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JAL Guide Tokyo

image001.jpgTokyo, April 7, 2008: From today, Japan Airlines (JAL) offers on international routes in JAL First Class and JAL Executive Class Seasons - the airline’s business class - the JAL Guide Tokyo, a handy English-language guide of Japan’s exciting capital city.

This 80-page guide contains regularly updated information on shopping and dining in Tokyo, plus sightseeing recommendations, a Tokyo subway map, as well as useful area and walking maps. The guide also has sections on Tokyo cuisine, sake and shochu - Japan’s national drinks - and tips on manners and etiquette when eating out.

The JAL Guide Tokyo will be available in first and business classes on all Americas routes, and on flights from Amsterdam, Brisbane, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London,  New Delhi, Paris, Singapore and Sydney.

JAL has been producing its own range of city guides since 1978, almost all of them in Japanese. This is the first English-language city guide produced by the airline in nearly two decades, and has been made for the convenience of business travellers flying to Japan on JAL and in support of the Japanese Governments Visit Japan Campaign (VJC). Through the Visit Japan Campaign, the Japanese Government aims to increase the number of foreign tourists holidaying in the country to 10 million a year by 2010.

With the addition of the Tokyo guide, JAL now produces a total of 16 guidebooks providing information on 54 cities worldwide. Approximately 2 million copies are produced each year. The guides are also sold in major bookstores throughout Japan, JAL Plaza Tokyo and on amazon.com.

During July, JAL will also place the information from the Tokyo guide on www.jal.com, both Japan and overseas sites.

JAL Tokyo Guide.pdf

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