
COP10 Marks Start of More JAL Efforts for the Environment

Tokyo, October 18, 2010: In this International Year of Biodiversity, JAL Group was recognized by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan as an Eco-First company. Based on the airline’s commitment to the Eco-First Pledge and to the established Biodiversity Policy of the JAL Group, the carrier sought to raise the awareness of the importance of protecting a diversity of life forms on Earth, as well as to draw attention to the significant 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) which takes place in Nagoya this year through a series of activities. These initiatives were recognized by the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and JAL’s efforts were highlighted in an official magazine “Satoyama” published by CBD in September 2010.



The kickoff of COP10 in Aichi, Nagoya today marks a significant starting point from which individuals should take more action towards minimizing their impacts on the environment and to become more aware of the value of sustaining the relationship between human activities and natural environments.

As a bridge connecting countries to countries and facilitating exchange of cultures and peoples, the JAL Group seeks to propagate across all borders the critical importance of maintaining this intricate balance of safeguarding diversity and continuous development in human environments, and passing on this awareness to future generations - a message encompassed in the motto of COP10 “Life in Harmony, Into the Future”.






JAL Group will strive to operate its business symbiotically with society and the environment, and continue pursuing environmental-conservation initiatives so as to leave a bountiful and beautiful planet to future generations.



Upcoming activities in conjunction with COP10



1.JAL President Masaru Onishi will deliver a speech at the official opening reception of COP10 on October 20, in Aichi, Nagoya.

2.JAL will introduce the second COP10 Eco Jet and operate it on international routes between Japan and Europe from October 22, 2010. In June 2008, Japan Airlines (JAL) introduced its first JAL Eco Jet - a Boeing 777-200 aircraft painted with a green tail instead of the airline’s red ‘Arc of the Sun’ insignia and also a 2-meter high by 7-meter wide green origami paper plane motif accompanied by the words ‘Sky Eco’ in both Japanese and English on the length of its fuselage. In the show of support to COP10 and its cause, JAL painted the COP10 logo on the JAL Eco Jet, and introduced the first COP10 Eco Jet in June on domestic routes.

3.On October 23, a JAL pilot will conduct “Soraiku” at the Interactive Fair for Biodiversity that is held near the venue of the COP10 meetings. “Soraiku” is an educational talk for children about the environment as seen from the captain’s seat as they fly around the world.

4.The COP10 logo is in the form of origami figures of animals in a circular shape with an adult and child in the centre. JAL is supporting the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to organize the COP10 Origami Project that aims to encourage more consideration and action for the planet and its diverse inhabitants through making Origami animals. The project invites everyone all over the world to participate and JAL will promote this activity to students from Japan and Japanese schools in cities where JAL flies to For more information please visit: http://www.cop10-origami.com/en/




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