
JAL Named Best Asia-Pacific Airline for On-time Performance in 2018

- Honored with Asia-Pacific Title for Seven Consecutive Years -

For the seventh consecutive year and ninth in total, Japan Airlines (JAL) has been named the best on-time Asia-Pacific Airline for its domestic and international flights operated in calendar year 2018 by FlightStats Inc., a US flight status tracking company that analyzes on-time arrival rates for global airlines.1

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Asia-Pacific Major Airlines Category
Mainline – operating results for airlines based in the Asia-Pacific region (excluding the U.S.) focusing on the performance of the individual airline.
Network – operating results for airlines based in the Asia-Pacific region (excluding the U.S.) focusing on the performance of airlines belonging to a corporate group.

For 2018, JAL`s on-time performance in the Mainline Category was 84.73%. As a result, JAL was named the best on-time Asia-Pacific Major Airline in the region.

The operating conditions in 2018 were particularly difficult due to major natural disasters and inclement weather affecting flights within Japan. However, JAL regards punctuality as an essential service quality of the airline and understands that this award was made possible through the cooperation of our valued customers and efforts made by all staff to ensure on-time operations.

The company will embrace the challenge to further improve on-time performance with top priority on flight safety, and will strive to provide high-quality services and punctual operations.

1 JAL received the best on-time Asia-Pacific Major Airline award in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 2016, and 2017.
- In 2009, results of regional airlines were included and JAL Express (merged with JAL in 2014) ranked first place.



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