Press Release
Japan Airlines Implements ICAO CART Take-off Guidance Measures
Since the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan Airlines has focused on implementing measures to provide a safe and secure environment for all travelers. In a move to meet global standards and strengthen these measures, JAL announced the decision to adopt the recommended guidelines as described in the International Civil Aviation Organization CART (Civil Aviation Recovery Task Force) Take-off Guidance.
As announced by ICAO on June 1, 2020, the guidance was published based on various discussions and advices provided by ICAO member nations, IATA (International Air Transport Association) and WHO (World Health Organization). The objective of the guidance is to support the aviation industry in providing a safe and secure travel environment, as airlines are facing a financial crisis with the global impact of COVID-19.
Since its publication, the JAL Group has defined and implemented measures to be fully compliant with the guidance, which includes measures to be taken at the four key touchpoints; the airport, aircraft, crew and cargo. The JAL Group will continue to adopt and implement key measures, as the airline fully understands the need to restore public confidence in air travel.
For full details on the CART Take-Off Guidance:

Key Measures Implemented by the JAL Group
1. Sanitizing the Aircraft
Regular and frequent cleaning and disinfecting of aircraft operating on both international and domestic flights.
2. Placing partitions and ample hand sanitizer stations at the airport
3. Sanitizing Equipment used for cargo and crew training areas
- Ground Support Equipment used when loading and unloading cargo
- Crew Training equipment sanitized and cleaned frequently