Press Release
JAL and KDDI Collaborate to Create Social Infrastructure for Drones
Utilizing JAL's Flight Safety Technology and Expertise
in KDDI's Unmanned Aerial Traffic Management System to Promote Transformation into a Digital Society
<Joint Release>
Japan Airlines Co., Ltd
Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President: AKASAKA Yuji, Representative
Director; hereinafter JAL), KDDI CORPORATION (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: TAKAHASHI
Makoto, hereinafter KDDI) signed Memorandum of Understanding on February 15, 2022 to jointly study the
establishment of systems for flight management and a business model with the aim of turning drones into a
social infrastructure (hereinafter this Alliance).
With the lifting of the ban on "Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flight (Level 4 flight)”, which is scheduled to go into effect in fiscal 2022, drones are expected to be used as a new aerial infrastructure by companies and
local governments in various fields such as logistics, inspection, and disaster response.
Through this Alliance, the two companies will utilize JAL's flight safety technologies and expertise in KDDI's
Unmanned Aerial Traffic Management (UTM) system(*1) to promote the transformation into a digital society.
In addition to contributing to the transformation of drones into social infrastructure and promoting the
transformation into a digital society, which has become urgent due to the new coronavirus infection
(COVID-19), we will also contribute to the revitalization of regions where the population is declining and aging at an accelerating pace, and the creation of new services that will enrich our daily lives.

<Outline of this Alliance>
■Outline of this Alliance
(1) Establishment of systems for integrated flight management of multiple drones flying throughout
By combining UTM system developed by KDDI for multiple drone operators with JAL’s air transport business technology and expertise in flight management, including safety management related to air travel, we will build systems for performing flight management, such as collision avoidance, in the airspace where multiple drones are flying around the country. We will also contribute to the institutionalization and creation of guidelines necessary for the promotion of the drone industry.

(2) Examining business models for supporting the use of drones by companies and municipalities
We will examine business models that provide consulting and resources to companies and municipalities that
want to utilize drones. In addition to transporting goods by drones in remote island areas in fiscal 2022, we will conduct demonstrations to meet a variety of needs, and build a drone utilization business based on the
The two companies have accumulated knowledge and experience through simultaneous demonstration tests of multiple drones(*2), delivery of pharmaceuticals in Hyogo Prefecture(*3), and the first demonstration test of
drones crossing multiple major bridges in Tokyo(*4), with the aim of making drones automatic and autonomous
and operating at high density and high frequency.
In the future, the two companies will continue to support drone services by companies and local governments
with a focus on flight management, aiming to create a prosperous and sustainable society by closing the
distance between people, goods and ideas in cities and rural areas through the use of drones as social
(*1)「KDDI SmartDrone」
(*2)Press Release, March 25, 2021 “Successful simultaneous operation of multiple drones with missions of logistics, security, inspection and aerial photography in the same area” (Issued in Japanese only)
(*3)Press Release, November 24, 2021 “Demonstration Test was Held in Hyogo-prefecture with an Eye toward Drone Level4 Operation in Urban Areas.”
(*4)Press Release, February 1, 2022 “First in Tokyo, Drone to Cross Eitai Bridge and Other Bridges in Pharmaceutical Delivery Experiment”