
JAL Group is Participating "Plastic Circular Challenge 2025" by WWF Japan ~Accelerating to Reduce Single Use Plastics~

JAL has announced its participation in the "Plastic Circular Challenge 2025" (hereinafter referred to as "this
framework") organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature Japan (hereinafter referred to as
"WWF Japan"(*1)).
Through the promotion of the 3R (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle) + 1 (Redesign), we have set a goal of eliminating all new petroleum-derived Single Use Plastics in our cabins and lounges and changing 100% of our Single Use
Plastics used in airports and cargo to environmentally friendly materials by FY2025 (*2). JAL has decided to
participate in this framework as it determined that it will further accelerate its efforts to achieve these goals.


(*1)About World Wide Fund for Nature Japan ("WWF Japan"):
WWF is a global environmental conservation organization established in Switzerland in 1961. To build a future
in which humans live in harmony with nature, WWF is currently promoting environment projects in more than
100 countries to protect rare wildlife species, preserve natural environments such as forests and oceans,
promote sustainable use of natural resources, and prevent global warming, among many other things.

(*2) Press release “JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan” in May 07, 2021

In order to solve the global plastic pollution and climate change issues caused by mass production, mass
consumption, and mass disposal, it is essential to fundamentally rethink the nature of society itself. The
Circular Economy, which is attracting attention as a key to solving these issues, is a recycling-based
socio-economic system designed to reduce the input and disposal of new resources to as close to zero as
possible, and to continue to use limited resources while circulating them as long as possible, aiming for zero
waste. WWF Japan, which is working to shift into a sustainable circular economy, has launched this
comprehensive and ambitious framework targeting 2025, and is calling on participating companies to make the following five commitments.

【Five commitments proposed by WWF Japan】
By 2025, manufacturers, retailers, travel hotels, restaurants, etc., that manufacture products using containers,
packaging, and disposable plastics will ;
- Stop using problematic and unnecessary materials. when switching to alternative materials, sustainability will be fully considered.
- Switch to reuse (including reuse of other materials) whenever possible.
- Design for reuse and recyclability whenever possible.
- Set ambitious targets for the use of recycled materials.
- Work with stakeholders to increase reuse and recycling rates.

(WWF Japan event website(Japanese Only): https://www.wwf.or.jp/campaign/pcc2025/)

The JAL Group has been implementing various initiatives to achieve the targets set for FY2025, as below.
For details, please visit https://www.jal.com/en/sustainability/environment/limited-resources/.

【Examples of Single Use Plastics Reduction】

The JAL Group will make efforts to reduce Single Use Plastics through collaboration with stakeholders in order to pass on this precious Earth to the next generation.

                        WWF SDG.PNG


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