Press Release
JAL Received "A" in the CDP Supplier Engagement Rating, And Recognized as "Supplier Engagement Leader"
Recognized for its efforts with suppliers in addressing climate change
JAL was the only Japanese airline to receive "A", the highest rating given to the top 8% of approximately 18,700 eligible companies, in the Supplier Engagement Rating (*1) conducted by CDP (*2), an international environmental non-profit organization, and was recognized as a "Supplier Engagement Leader”.
(*1) Supplier Engagement Rating is CDP's assessment of how effectively companies are working with their suppliers on climate change issues. The assessment is based on responses to four items of CDP's climate change surveys against companies and organizations: “Governance”, “Targets”, “Scope3 emissions”, and “Supplier engagement”.
(*2) CDP is an international environmental non-profit organization that operates a global environmental disclosure system for corporations and municipalities. Approximately 20,000 organizations worldwide, including more than 18,700 companies and 1,100 municipalities, representing half of the world's market capitalization, disclosed environmental information through CDP. (as of 2022)

JAL group asks its key suppliers, such as aircraft and fuel, in-flight meal, and cabin service supplies used on board, which are essential for air transport services, to comply with the "JAL Group Supplier Code of Conduct", which defines JAL Group’s approach and actions regarding sustainability issues such as the environment and human rights, and confirm and reinforce the compliance status through questionnaires and audits. In addition, efforts throughout the supply chain, including its collaboration with suppliers in addressing climate change such as the establishment of SAF's production system and raising awareness of SAF, were highly evaluated. (*3)
(*3) JAL Corporate Website> Sustainability> Governance> Responsible Procurement:
JAL Corporate Website> Sustainability> Addressing Climate Change:
The JAL Group has been certified as “A-“in the area of climate change for 2022 in recognition of its climate change initiatives, and timely and appropriate information disclosure, and will continue to promote ESG management and solve social issues through its business activities, aiming to become the world's most preferred and valued airline group.