Press Release
JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan Formulated the Rolling Plan 2023
To further ensure the achievement of the “JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2025” (hereinafter referred to as the “Medium-Term Management Plan”), JAL Group formulated the “JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan Rolling Plan 2023 for Fiscal Years 2021-2025” (hereinafter referred to as the “Rolling Plan 2023”).
1. Positioning and Direction of the “Rolling Plan 2023
In fiscal 2022, we were able to return to full-year profitability as the initiatives of our “Medium-Term Management Plan” progressed and people began to move more actively as the COVID-19 pandemic came to an end. At the same time, new challenges common to all societies are emerging, such as unstable global conditions, price increases, and human resource shortages.
The “Rolling Plan 2023” is a plan to revise and implement the strategies and plans for the remaining three years based on the progress and changing environment at the end of the second year of the “Medium-Term Management Plan”. To respond to the changing environment and shift from “Recovery and Stabilization” to “Growth”, we will steadily implement ESG strategies, which are at the core of our management strategy, to ensure the achievement of the “Medium-Term Management Plan”.

2. Key Points of the “Rolling Plan 2023”
To achieve medium- and long-term growth, the ESG Strategy is positioned as a “Topmost
Strategy for realizing Value Creation and Growth”. We aim to shift to a medium- and long-term
growth strategy based on value creation and achieve its management targets by consistently
implementing a business strategy and supporting financial strategy that promote the ESG

(1) ESG Strategy
“Movement” of people and goods creates social “Connections”, and such “Movement and
Connections” lead to revitalization of regional economies, solving various social issues and
creating social value.
The “Rolling Plan 2023” sets forth a value creation story: “Creating social and economic value
by building relationships and connections through air transportation to enhance corporate
value”. In addition to providing “safe and secure transportation”, JAL Group aims to become a
company that enables “Relationships and Connections”.
In order to enable “Movement and Connections”, we will embody the ESG value creation story
by promoting initiatives to “ Offer more choices”, “ Remove constraints”, and “Create
(2) Business Strategy
As Business Strategy for promoting ESG Strategy, we will promote business model reform, DX
Strategy, Human Resources Strategy (Human Capital Management), and GX Strategy.
● Business Model Reform
By promoting ESG Strategy, we aim to restructure our business portfolio, create new non-airline
businesses, and increase overall profits. In fiscal 2025, we plan to generate approximately half of
our profits from LCC and Mileage, Lifestyle and Infrastructure. At the same time, we will work to
solve social issues through our business activities, which will lead to growth in the medium- to

● Human Resources Strategy (human capital management)
To support the human capital management in the implementation of ESG Strategy, various
initiatives will be undertaken with the aim of developing and recruiting “Human resources who
respect diverse values, take on the challenge of creating new values, and sparking change”.

(3) Financial Strategy
We will accelerate our efforts to achieve sustainable growth while improving risk tolerance.
Our financial base will be rebuilt and we will continue to maintain and improve the ability to raise
capital. Capital efficiency will also be improved with an awareness of the cost of capital.
In terms of management resource allocation, we plan to invest 650 billion yen in assets over the
three-year period from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2025. In addition, we will consider new investments in
human resources and expenses incurred to push forward with ESG as investments and actively
promote ESG investments. In addition, we will gradually expand shareholder returns as business
performance recovers.
JAL Group will unite all employees to implement the “Rolling Plan 2023” and realize “JAL Vision 2030”,
the ideal image for the future, with “Safety and Peace of mind” and “Sustainability” as the engines of
growth, aiming to become the world’s most preferred and valued airline group, by helping to create a
vibrant society and a future where many people and goods freely move around.
Attached File: ”JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan Rolling Plan 2023
for Fiscal Years 2021-2025”