Press Release
JAL Publishes Integrated Report "JAL REPORT 2023"
The JAL Group annually publishes the integrated report "JAL REPORT" to foster understanding among various stakeholders how the JAL Group plans to achieve sustainable growth in terms of both economic and social values. Today, the JAL Group published the “JAL REPORT 2023” for the fiscal year ending in March 2023, and is now available on the JAL website.(URL:
The integrated report “JAL REPORT 2023” offers a comprehensive explanation of how the JAL Group positions ESG strategy as its top strategy in realizing JAL Vision 2030 and carbon neutrality. It details how the JAL Group aims to create value and achieve sustainable growth while solving social issues through air transportation and societal connections, which are created through its business.
The report presents accessible descriptions of various strategies that support the ESG approach, including human capital management and financial strategies, as well as the foundations for value creation, such as safety. Moreover, specific initiatives undertaken by JAL Group employees are highlighted. The report also includes substantial data on non-financial information, such as efforts to respect disclosure and human rights, based on the Task Force on the Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
Overview of “JAL REPORT 2023”
Chapter 1 Foreword: Message from the President/Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 2 The JAL Group Value Creation Story:Materiality/JAL Group's Value Creation Story
Chapter 3 Growth Strategy
:ESG Strategy/Business Strategy/DX Strategy/GX Strategy/Human Resources Strategy/
Financial Strategy
Chapter 4 Sustainability: Environment (TNFD/TCFD)
Chapter 5 Data Section: Various data (ESG/Business/ Financial, and others)
The JAL Group will continue to enhance information disclosure and improve quality to ensure understanding of its management policies, strategies, and the latest situation, aiming for transparent management and better dialogue with various stakeholders.