Press Release
JAL Publishes JAL REPORT 2024, an Integrated Report
Tokyo, JAPAN - Today, the JAL Group published JAL REPORT 2024, an annual integrated report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, on the JAL website. This annual report informs stakeholders of the Group's sustainable growth through the creation of social and economic values.

front cover

CEO message
JAL REPORT 2024 features a full-length report on the JAL Group's efforts to create social and economic values by positioning ESG strategies at the top of their strategy to build relationships and societal connections through air transportation, in order to realize the JAL Vision 2030. The report also includes specific employee initiatives.
JAL REPORT 2024 Summary
Philosophy Policy / CEO Message
Chapter 1: Significance of the JAL Group
:Value Creation Process / Materiality / Relationships with our Stakeholders / Value We Hold Dear
Chapter 2: Overview of our Management Strategy
:Message from our Executive Vice President (Group CFO) / ESG Strategy / Business Strategy / Financial Strategy / Management Targets
Chapter 3: Strategies for Each Business Division
:Specific Strategies for each Business Domain /Special Features of Airbus A350-1000
Chapter 4 Strengthening Management Resources
:Human Capital Management / DX Strategy / GX Strategy
Chapter 5 Governance
:Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Respect for Human Rights
Chapter 6 Data Collection
: Various Data related to Finance, ESG, and Business
Disclosures on our measures for the sustainability of natural capital (e.g. GX Strategy), in line with the frameworks (TCFD /TNFD*1*2), have been updated and expanded in this year's edition. Together with a special feature on promoting domestic SAF, and the like, the report describes the JAL Group's stance and efforts toward the environment in order to pass on a precious Earth to the next generation.
In addition, substantial data, including management targets and sustainability indicators and performance, is also included.
*1: Based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), JAL will start disclosure from 2021.
*2: Based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), JAL will start prior disclosure from August 2023.
With the aim of achieving highly transparent management and engaging in constructive dialogue, the JAL Group will continue to enhance and improve the quality of its disclosure to ensure that its management policies and strategies, as well as its latest status, are well understood by its wide range of stakeholders.