Update #1 - Japan Airlines Revises 2020 Summer Schedule in Response to COVID-19|JAL Group - Press Release
Fleet / Network / Schedule

Update #1 - Japan Airlines Revises 2020 Summer Schedule in Response to COVID-19

Between March 29 - April 30, 2020

Japan Airlines (JAL) today announced additional revisions to its flight frequency plans during the summer schedule of FY2020. (Previous Release) Additional reductions include service to Vancouver, Honolulu, Kona, and Ho Chi Minh. The Company sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience but would like to ask for our customer`s understanding during this unprecedented time.

Reduction of International Services // Applicable Dates: March 29 – April 30, 2020
(Changes Shown in Yellow)




For full list of flights, refer to the attached document.
Schedules are valid as of March 25, 2020 and are subject to change.
For media queries, contact mediarelations.hdq@jal.com


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