Fleet / Network / Schedule

Japan Airlines Readjusts Domestic Network Schedule between August 26 and September 16

As a new wave of COVID-19 cases has been detected in Japan, the number of incoming reservations is running below the current forecast. As a result, Japan Airlines today announced additional reductions on its domestic network between August 26 and September 16.

The JAL Group has implemented key measures against COVID-19 to provide our customers with a safe and secure travel experience. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but would like to ask for our customer`s understanding during this unprecedented time.

* Figures Include JAL Group Operated Flights (JAL, J-AIR, HAC, JTA, JAC, RAC)
20AUG Press Memo Chart Domestic.png


For the full list of flights, refer to the attached documents.
For media queries, contact: mediarelations.hdq@jal.com

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