Fleet / Network / Schedule

JAL Group Adjusts Domestic Network Schedule between October 16-31

As the number of COVID-19 cases reported in Japan has decreased since its peak period, several prefectures have lifted its independent restrictions on travel and demand has gradually increased on the carrier`s domestic network. Although the JAL Group will continue to reduce scheduled services on its domestic network, the carrier will closely monitor the demand on each route and implement temporary measures; including the operation of extra flights and operating larger aircraft on specific routes.1

The JAL Group has implemented key measures against COVID-19 to provide our customers with a safe and secure travel experience. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but would like to ask for our customer`s understanding during this unprecedented time.

16SEP Press Memo Domestic Reduction Chart.pngNote - Figures Include JAL Group Operated Flights (JAL, J-AIR, HAC, JTA, JAC, RAC)
(1) Between 9/17-23, the JAL Group operated 77 extra flights, as well as operating larger aircraft on 114 flights within Japan.


For the full list of flights, refer to the attached document.
For media queries, contact: mediarelations.hdq@jal.com

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