Fleet / Network / Schedule

JAL Group Readjusts Domestic Network Schedule between February 1-28

(Press Memo - For Immediate Release)

The JAL Group today announced further reductions on its domestic network between February 1 and February 28, 2021. With the number of COVID-19 cases being reported in Japan, travel demand is expected to decline in the immediate future. As such, the JAL Group will reduce additional flights and operate 39% of its domestic network within the month of February.

With this announcement, the departure area and security checkpoints at Haneda Airport Terminal 1 – North Wing will be temporarily closed. All passengers will be directed to complete the check-in process at the South Wing until further notice.

The JAL Group has implemented key measures against COVID-19 to provide our customers with a safe and secure travel experience. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but would like to ask for our customer`s understanding during this unprecedented time.

27JAN Domestic Reduction Network Summary.png


For the full list of flights, refer to the attached document.

For media queries, contact: mediarelations.hdq@jal.com

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