Fleet / Network / Schedule

JAL Group Announces FY2022 Domestic Flight Schedule

The JAL Group (JAL) today announced the flight schedule for domestic network during FY2022. Due to the
impact of COVID-19, further decisions on any changes in frequency and fleet plans will be announced at a later

◆ JAL will steadily introduce Airbus A350-900 aircraft and Japan Air Commuter (JAC)ATR42-600 aircraft in FY2022.JAL will contribute to the reduction of environmental impact by using new aircrafts that combine environmental performance such as fuel efficiency and low noise, and  will make steady progress toward achieving the JAL Group's goal of "Target of Net Zero
CO2 Emissions by 2050."
◆ JAL will increase flight frequency between Osaka Itami=Kagoshima during normal periods and between Osaka Itami=Okinawa Naha during peak periods.
◆ Ryukyu Air Commuter (RAC) will increase flight frequency between Miyako=Ishigaki and Okinawa Naha=Yonaguni.
◆ Continuing from FY2021, Japan Transocean Air (JTA) will operate seasonal flights
between Osaka Kansai=Miyako, Nagoya Chubu=Miyako, and Nagoya Chubu=Ishigaki in
peak periods.
◆ Flights between Tokyo Haneda=Miyako, Ishigaki, Kumejima will be operated under the
JL airline code. Especially in Tokyo Haneda=Miyako, Ishigaki, JAL will provide
more seats by operating with larger aircraft, according to seasonal demand.
◆ Hokkaido Air System (HAC) will increase flight frequency between Sapporo
Okadama =Memanbetsu, Rishiri, and Hakodate. And more, HAC will change schedule of
flights between Sapporo Okadama =Hakodate for improve customer convenience.

JAL will continue to improve customer convenience, keep cleanliness, making sanitary environment in airports and aircrafts, and provide our customers with a safe and secure travel experience.
The following schedules are subject to government approvals. For details, www.jal.co.jp/en

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