Press Release
JAL Upgrades Domestic Flight Booking Site, Adds “Lowest Price Search” Function
TOKYO February 24, 2012: Japan Airlines (JAL) today renewed its English homepage (, with upgrades focused on improving the usability of JAL’s online domestic flight reservations website for greater customer convenience.
Lowest Price Search Function
With the addition of a lowest price search function, customers can now more easily locate the cheapest fare for their desired itinerary. The best price is identified by the system based on the customer’s selected routing and date of travel. All available flights for the specified sector and departure day will be displayed with an indication of the price difference compared to the lowest fare.
[Screenshot of example search result by lowest price]
For more details on how to utilize the latest functions now available, please visit:
JAL will continue exploring ways to enhance customer convenience and experiences through providing quality products and services, as well as simplifying such processes at various customer touch points.
20120224 - JAL Upgrades Domestic Flight Booking Site_FINAL.pdf